Monday, 22 February 2010

The man of leisure ....

The man of leisure looks at a garden with serenity, the man of skill
arranges it beautifully, the superior man enjoys its quintessence.
Zhong Xing


  1. Lovely saying, but I'm intrigued what the lazy man does; I could do with a few pointers!

  2. The lazy man, doesn't have a garden, or at least isn't aware of it. Fun looking garden by the way.

  3. Love all the turquoise. And I beg your pardon, but the lazy gardener (I am somewhat of an expert on the topic) uses low maintenance plantings, puts off necessary projects as long as humanly possible, and drinks an abundance of lemonade whilst reading the latest Oprah book pick.

    Christine in Alaska

  4. Your pictures are always the coolest. jim
